This is my favorite time of year. The leaves trade their green coats for yellow, orange and red ones. This is also the most important time of year to fertilize your trees and shrubs and show them some extra love!

Care For Trees In The Fall
First let’s talk TIMING
Just like bears need extra food before hibernation, this is the best time of year to feed your trees and shrubs. From now until the first leaf and flower bloom next spring, your trees and shrubs will be absorbing every last bit of nutrients and phosphates that they can get a hold of. These nutrients are needed to produce the brightest colors, strongest branches, and strongest trunks possible. Without this supply of organic nutrients, your trees and shrubs will NOT give you their full potential, and they will be more susceptible to disease and insect infestation throughout the spring and summer months. Irish Green’s Organic Root and Soil Drench is exactly what your Trees and Shrubs need this time of year.
Specifically, what is in Irish Green’s Root and Soil Drench?
Our root and soil drench is a compost tea based product that contains many naturally occurring, LIVING microorganisms. In addition: Kelp, Yucca, Humic Fulvic and Amino Acids, and many more.
FUN FACT: Because of all these living microorganisms and probiotics (think yogurt) in our product, we keep the organic base of our program in a giant refrigerator!
Why is Irish Green’s Tree & Shrub Root and Soil Drench (Fertilizer) the Best in the OKC metro?
Our Fall Root and Soil Drench is all organic. Our application is jam packed with live organics and probiotics that assist in keeping your soil balanced to provide:
- Better Uptake of Water and Nutrients
- Better Survival through Seasonal Conditions
- Bigger, Healthier Plants and Foliage Provide a Beautiful Landscape
To sum it up, Irish Green Lawn Care’s Root and Soil Drench is exactly what your trees and shrubs need and applied at the best time of year -- Fall! A little TLC in the fall = a beautiful landscape in the spring and summer.
If you love crape mytrles (as we do) and have any on your property, we HIGHLY recommend a Dormant Oil treatment for your crapemyrtles in approximately January. The dormant oil application is recommended to control crape myrtle bark scale, which is spreading through the OKC metro like wildfire. If you have any questions regarding Crape Myrtle Bark Scale or would like to get on the schedule for this treatment, please email Shar at (Tale-tell signs of Crape Myrtle Bark Scale: black soot and small white felt-like spots)
On a Personal Note
When my husband (and business partner) first started using the Root and Soil Drench on our own trees and shrubs, we were really amazed with how much larger and greener everything was. (And are still amazed every Spring/Summer). It is like my landscape went up a level. My trees were noticeably a darker green. My flowering trees and bushes were noticeably more healthy and beautiful than they had ever been before. Hands down, this is our FAVORITE tree and shrub fertilizer. - Shar McLaughlin
For more information or to get on the SCHEDULE for Irish Green's Root and Soil Drench:
Call or email our office.
Sincerely, Melinda Pierce
Entire team at Irish Green Lawn Care
Safer. Better. Greener.